Geanna Culbertson - Author Interview

Author Interview – HONG KONG

I was honored to be contacted by one of my fans in Hong Kong, amazing student and person Grace Ip. Check out the interview she submitted to the South China Morning Post’s teen segment “Young Post” and her all-girls school. Many thanks to Grace for being such a devoted fan and awesome interviewer!

4 Culbertson Kingdom Books Win Gold in Mom’s Choice Awards®

2023 Mom’s Choice Awards® – FOUR BIG WINNERS For Children/Preteens (8-12), Teens (13-18), and Young Adults (19-25)   Having been rigorously evaluated by a panel of MCA evaluators, Heaven’t You Heard?, Crisanta Knight: The Severance Game, Crisanta Knight: Inherent Fate, and Crisanta Knight: The Liar, The Witch, & The Wormhole have been named among the best in […]

For Katie (a.k.a. Advice for an Aspiring Writer)

***Reposted from December 2015 Someone recently asked me if I have any tips for writers out there who are passionate about improving their craft. Like Stanford Pines when he came back through an inter-dimensional portal in Gravity Falls or Earth Two Harrison Wells when he returned through his inter-dimensional portal in The Flash, I have […]

Grammar & Ways to Write Good

So here’s the thing about language: it’s always changing. Shakespeare made up his own words, so did Dr. Seuss, and so have countless other people, myself included. I think that is one of the reasons I love the written word so much; it is not stagnant. Like people, language evolves and grows with the fluctuating […]

YouTube SEO & You

The Sneezing Baby Panda | Gangnam Style | The Man Your Man Could Smell Like What do all these titles have in common? In their own time each has reached astounding views on YouTube, watched by millions of people across the globe. Since its modest debut in 2005 when several PayPal employees created a video-sharing […]

Important Aspects of Online Presence Management

When it comes to the world of online marketing, if you are an ordinary business owner, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s why—with all the technical realms, targeted strategy, and search engine updates to take into account—most businesses defer to professional marketing companies to step in and take the reins on their online […]

Optimizing Your Website for Success

A personal website can play a key part in your success, as this kind of platform serves as a very efficient way to communicate your brand. As a general rule, everything that you put out into the world about yourself should have a purpose, an end goal. Each blog you write, picture you post, opinion […]